In Kushy
Ch12. Dc into the second ch from the hook. Htr into the next 2 ch, tr, dtr into the next 3 ch, tr, htr into the next 2 ch, dc. Sl st across to the other side of the ch. Dc into the same st. Htr into the next 2 ch, tr, dtr into the next 3 ch, tr, htr into the next 2 ch, dc. Fasten off. One leaf made.
In Croccodillo
Row 11 (RS): 2tr into the first st of row 10. (Skip 2st, 3tr into the next st) repeat until you have 2 sts left. You should have 8 groups of 3tr. Sl st into the blo of the second htr of the right side of the 3rd leaf. Sl st into the blo of the tr of the leaf. Turn. (26 sts - the 2 sl st do not count as sts)
Pause here to complete the following: with the beginning tail end of your third leaf, attach to the top of the second leaf to secure the bottom of the leaf. You can do this in whatever way you wish, but I did a couple of whip stitches in the same spot, using the top of the sts of the second and third leaf as an easy anchor point. Sew in this end.
Row 12 (WS): (Ch2, tr3tog over the next 3 tr) repeat to the last 3tr group, ch2, skip 1 tr, 2tr in the last tr. Turn. (28 sts)
Row 13 (RS): Chainless tr. 2tr into the same st. 3tr into each 2ch space along, skipping the tr3tog. Sl st into the blo of next 2 sts on the leaf. Turn. (30 sts - the 2 sl st do not count as sts)
Row 14 (WS): (Ch2, tr3tog over the next 3 tr) repeat to the last 3tr group, ch2, skip 2 tr, 2tr into the last tr. Turn. (31 sts)
Row 15 (RS): Ch1, 2dc into the first st. Dc into the next st. (2dc into the 2ch space, dc into the top of the tr3tog) repeat to last tr3tog. 2dc into the final ch2 space. Dc blo into each of the remaining sts of the leaf totalling 5 sts. Fasten off, leaving a tail end of around 30cm if you wish to create the embellishment. (37 sts)
With the tail end of the yarn just fastened off, make a backstitch down the beginning ch centre of the leaf, creating a midrib.
Please feel free to be creative here and use whatever stitches come naturally to you. Sew in this end.